Complex Wear

One of the most difficult and mismanaged of all dental treatment results in the esthetic reconstruction of complex wear cases. Many mechanical factors must be respected for a restoration to survive the rigors of chewing, clenching and grinding. Occasionally this can be managed with proper understanding of jaw mechanics and restored directly, but often other disciplines are required to improve the mechanical situation before treatment.
When the soft tissues (gums) are excessive or deficient or when emergence of missing teeth
require modification of tissue prior to restoration a minor surgical procedure to sculpt or graft can greatly enhance the overall result.


Complex Wear Soft Tissue SculptingComplex Wear





Case 2

Complex Wear Dental CasesSoft Tissue Sculpting

This case required orthodontics to level gum-line and help In improvident the posterior x-bite and bite mechanics.

Complex WearComplex WearComplex WearComplex Wear
Complex Wear

Complex wear case managed with age appropriate restorative treatment only). Notice there is minimal to no display of anterior teeth.


Complex wear case managed with restorative treatment only.

Complex WearComplex Wear

Managing poor arch form with a combination of orthodontics and full mouth rehabilitation.

Complex WearComplex Wear

Upper jaw rehabilitation with gingival resection and combination of all ceramic restorations and veneers.

Complex Wear Upper Jaw